We invite you to join us for the Alternative Gift Fair (AGF) this year – sharing the joy of Christmas through giving meaningful gifts to those you love while also helping children and families in Chico and around the world. Your donation makes a tangible impact in the lives of those in need through our Mission Partners. Join us in the celebration by giving gifts that give hope! Please read about all of our Global and Local Mission Partners below, where you can also give online.
You can print out this card for each symbolic gift you are purchasing and giving. The card is designed to print on one sheet of paper landscape and will print two cards. Please cut your card in half and then fold in half. When folded, your cards should have a top fold with “AGF” on the cover. When you open the card up, you will see the description on the top flap and the area you complete on the bottom part. The back side of the card has the BPC logo.
Bridging the Gap4Water was founded in 2006 by Sky and Grant Adams to raise awareness and funds for safe water projects in Africa. Most of our work is done in Uganda and Zambia at the time. BTG partners with Lifewater, TivaWater, and World Vision. We have provided over 55,000 Africans safe water, sanitation, and training in hygiene. We thank each donor who has made a difference to our thirsty world. BTG4WATER is a charitable Project Fund under North Valley Community Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit organization. All gifts are tax deductible. BTG4WATER.ORG
EvaSUE is a missional fellowship of university students and alumni dedicated to faithfully following and boldly witnessing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior throughout Ethiopia. 60% of the population of Ethiopia is under the age of 25. As a ministry to the brightest young leaders in Ethiopia, EvaSUE is poised to greatly impact the future leaders of both the nation and the entire Horn of Africa region. In the past few years, EvaSUE has grown to include over 50,000 university students in 176 fellowships throughout Ethiopia. It is now one of the largest campus ministries in the world. Ethiopia is the only majority-Christian nation in the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA). Ethiopian Christians have a long history of relating effectively with their Muslim neighbors. EvaSUE alumni are being sent by their churches and indigenous mission groups to minister in MENA nations in increasing numbers with growing fruitfulness.
Learn more at (
A third of those living in the world today (over 7,000 people groups) have not heard the gospel in a way that they can understand. Because of this, Jesus is not being worshipped by every tongue, language, tribe, and nation. Many of these people groups live in the Horn of Africa, North Africa, and the Middle East. Since the beginning of Horn of Africa in 2002, workers have been using the disciple-making movement (DMM) strategy to see disciples who make disciples, churches that plant churches, and movements that birth movements. "Horn of Africa" has helped to pioneer the beginning of movements that enable people in distant places to hear about the love of Christ. (
illuminAid is fighting world poverty with video. Our planet’s most forgotten communities don’t have regular access to essential information related to subjects such as disease prevention, health and hygiene, or gender-based violence prevention. illuminAid trains and equips local educators and community workers to first create instructional videos and then share their life-saving information with the world’s most remote villages, using solar and battery-powered technology. (
New Life Homes began in response to the HIV/AIDS crisis and provide loving homes for 40 orphans, a preschool-7th-grade school and a 195-acre vegetable/animal farm for their food security and income generation.
This Haitian run organization was founded over 40 years ago to serve the needy children of Haiti. BPC has supported its work for 20 years. Today it runs two homes, including one for severely disabled children, 2 elementary schools, one college, and a hospital.
World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization whose mission is to empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable. The organization was founded in the aftermath of World War II to respond to the urgent humanitarian needs of war-torn Europe. World Relief provides vital services by providing newly arrived refugees and other immigrants with access to necessities and begin them on the journey to belonging through English classes, immigration legal services, employment services, and more. (
A.R.M. is a coalition of individuals, churches, and organizations who are committed to communicating and demonstrating the transforming grace and truth of Jesus Christ to all those who have experienced the crisis of incarceration and their families. (
The Chico Food Project is a fun and simple way to share food with the hungry in our community. A team member comes to your doorstep 6 times per year to pick up your blue bag filled with non-perishables and leave you an empty bag for the next pickup.
We partner with the teachers and students of Citrus School. The ministry is centered on giving hope to children by showing them God's unconditional love and guiding them into becoming whole persons socially, intellectually and spiritually. Matthew 19:14 - Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Donations of your time, your talents, your prayers, and gifts are always appreciated. Read with a child, do science experiments with several children, play on the playground with children. The Bobcat Den is stocked by our church and the children spend Power Paws (vouchers) they earn for being responsible, respectful and safe. School supplies, bikes, holiday items, books, knickknacks, gently used clothing, jewelry, etc. are always welcome. Contact: Pam Wear or Cindy Sockey - or
Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope. With a little help, Habitat owners achieve the strength, stability, and independence they need to build a better life for themselves and their families.
This is a campus ministry whose goal is to see students and faculty transformed, campuses renewed and world changers developed. Kimberley Wun works alongside staff in Chico, Reno, Merced, and the Sacramento area.
Founded in God's love, The Jesus Center is a local, non-profit organization serving people experiencing homelessness in our community. We serve by respecting human dignity, offering hope and a path to transforming their lives. After several years of hard work and expansion, more than 650 unique individuals stayed at one of our shelters serving men, women and families last year. With the opening of our senior shelter, we hope to serve an even greater number of people this year. It is our purpose to provide these individuals with resources and opportunities to help them on their pathway towards ending their homelessness. While staying with the Jesus Center participants can attend classes on parenting, financial wellness, resume writing, and more, as part of our program, along with case management, and work readiness training. We work with our community to offer lasting transformation to God’s children. (
This local church has a heart for Jesus and a dream to build a church that serves the community in practical and tangible ways.
The Salvation Army provides a variety of programs to the needy here in Chico and around the world. BPC has partnered with the local Salvation Army for over twelve years to prepare and serve Sunday dinners to those in need.
This ministry cares for people who need assistance due to aging, widowhood, disability, or illness. Their mission is to demonstrate God’s love by being in relationship with others and by doing the work to repair and revive their homes and yards. Contact Victor Paz -
You have been given strengths, life experiences, and resources that you can use to help those who are feeling overwhelmed, misunderstood, or forgotten. When you support agency workers, foster parents, vulnerable adults, and children, you have the opportunity to show Jesus to them.
By entering into a relationship with the foster care community, you are changed too. You are drawn to Jesus in new ways, your perspective is shifted, and your need for Jesus is made more apparent. This is our hope.
True North Housing Alliance provides low-barrier service-enhanced shelter, housing, and street outreach to adults, families, college students, veterans and seniors experiencing homelessness in Butte County, operating 24/7. For 26 years, the nonprofit has focused on its mission of moving people forward and out of homelessness with compassion, dignity and accountability. True North is the largest and most cost-effective connector to shelter and permanent housing in Butte County and in 2023, served over 830 people and housed over 200—more than any previous year in its history. The organization’s comprehensive case management services are a key feature of its success, providing clients with individualized advocacy, guidance and the tools needed to achieve sustainable health and wellbeing, financial stability and housing. Learn more:
Young Life is an outreach ministry of building relationships with adolescents who are unfamiliar with who Jesus is and the Christian life.